Extreme cold, icy waters, glaciers, icebergs everywhere, wild animals and winds of over 200 km/h... What can you do in a place like that? Sailing 1000 km in kayak, obviously.
Many kayak enthusiasts consider navigating the waters of the eastern coast of Greenland as the ultimate experience in this sport. That's what the adventurers Alban Michon and Vincent Berthet had in mind when they decided to go for an expedition in one of the most spectacular and wild places on Earth.

The challenge of Alban and Vincent, filmed in the documentary "Le Piège Blanc", led them to paddle with their kayaks through a route of 1000 km in the south Arctic for two months against the clock to finish before the polar night reach them.
Crossing the planet's largest fjord system with a kayak? What can go wrong?
Imagine that you are stood up because of a break. Near the North Pole and in a completely uninhabited area, a request for help is dismissed as unrealistic. At least you will be busy trying to make a fire on the ice (good luck with that) to fight the -50 °C temperatures while terrible winds whips and occasional hungry bears hanging around. Overnight in these conditions can be uncomfortable. Specially if it is six months long...
Embark and disembark in rocky coasts, ice blocks floating on the water or rock ledges test the resistance of the boats from day one and they had to be prepared because anything can happen. And it happened:
During the trip, Alban and Vincent realized that the bow of one of their kayaks was damaged and they had to make a pit-stop to try to fix it. After examining the fractures suffered by the hull, they decided to do an emergency repair with the Composite Patch repair kit carried on board.
Thanks to the easy use of Composite Patch, they didn't need additional tools or perform complex manipulations to do de fix. Vincent just had to mix the resin and hardener and spread it over the fiberglass patch avoiding direct contact with the materials, the whole operation is performed without opening the sealed pouch containing the products. Once this was done, the patch was ready to be applied on the surface to be repaired. Just that. The epoxy resin of the Composite Patch repair kit hardens at ambient temperature (even in the coldest situations) providing a reliable and durable repair.

After the fix, the expedition was able to continue successfully to its destination, the small community of Ammassalik, where they witnessed the Aurora Borealis.
The perfect end for a great adventure.