Composite Patch will be at the yearly meeting of the boatbuilding community in Amsterdam – The METS trade show taking place form the 18th to the 21st of November 2014.
Volvo Ocean Race: 1º Leg Finished
Teams of the Volvo Ocean Race spent almost a month to complete the first leg of the race, the last one arriving safe and sound to Cape Town today.
Extreme repairs in the Volvo Ocean Race
Nick Bice explains the extreme repairs performed in the boats with composite patch structural adhesive and carbon fiber patches
The leaders of the Route du Rhum trust Composite Patch
After 72 hours of sailing, there has already been 11 boats retiring from the race due in the Route du Rhum. This highlights the importance of carrying on board a kit for structural repairs like Composite Patch.
Artículo sobre Composite Patch en el blog de Nautic Advisor
Artículo dedicado a Composite Patch publicado en el blog "Barco al día", del gestor de reparaciones Nautic Advisor.
Team Vestas Wind fixes outrigger trouble with Composite Patch
Rob Salthouse, from Team Vestas Wind, shows how to fix a broken outrigger on race using a Composite Patch kit and some boiling water.
The teams of the Volvo Ocean Race choose Composite Patch
All the teams taking part in this edition of the Volvo Ocean Race trust on the effectiveness and usability of Composite Patch to repair their boats in the most extreme conditions.
VOLVO OCEAN RACE: Composite Patch abordo del MAPFRE
Antonio, 'ÑETI', Cuervas-Mons, proa del equipo Mapfre en la actual edición de la Volvo Oceans Race,ha elegido esta foto rodeado de composite patch para explicar cómo es su vida abordo del Mapfre.
Composite Patch will be in Alicante for the Volvo Ocean Race start
For the first time this mythical race will sail the brand new one design VOR65.
APLTec partenaire technique de “MARYLOU”
APLTec composite patch participe comme partenaire technique de “MARYLOU”, voilier de course-croisière de 10.60m à doublé safrans dessiné par Rob Humphreys et construit par le chantier Elan (Slovénie).
The best Composite Repair Kit for Offshore sailing yachts
Every offshore sailor has once thought about what it would be like to hit hard a drifting container and get a hole in his hull. Though it’s rare and though sailing yachts tend to become more and more resistant, it’s a situation no one wants to face.
«J’ai déjà tapé deux troncs et fait un peu de casse»
«J’ai déjà tapé deux troncs et fait un peu de casse»par Oliver Dufour - Yvan Bourgnon a repris la mer, ce dimanche à Panama. Il a entamé la 5e étape de son tour du monde en solitaire.